Well, that site with the lords prayer and pictures with music .. sure made me feel better
To Ugg... hope it has the same affect for you.. and take care
Special K
ugg, hope you are doing well, been thinking of you a lot.
give us a wave and let us know your ok. .
Well, that site with the lords prayer and pictures with music .. sure made me feel better
To Ugg... hope it has the same affect for you.. and take care
Special K
all of my life, i was told by the society that i should buy out the opportune time.
to them, this phrase meant that i should cut down on watching tv or some other worthless activity, and of course, spend that newfound time worshipping the great publishing company.
well, since i stopped going to meetings on april 10, 2002, i have discovered an entirely new and far more enjoyable application for the admonition to buy out the opportune time.
It's all about "feeling free"..
Anytime is a good opportune time to:
free to sit in the hot tub on a lazy, hot .. Thursday night..... RELAX.
Free to think and dream and play and sing... la la la...
Special K
here are a couple of pictures at my wife's graduation.. .
emily and me.
Nice Family....Great smiles.
Congratulations to your wife on her graduations...She DID IT!!!
Special K
august 9, 1998 is the day that i officially disassociated myself from the borg... in a few days i will have been free for five years!
try to stop me now borg!!!
note: any apostababes who wish to "congratulate" me may make arrangements by pming me.
Sounds like you got the good feeling
Free For Five
Way to go... Happy "FREE FOR FIVE".. TO YOU
happy "FREE FOR FIVE.. To you
And many more
Special K
just wondering.
how many of you have kept any active jw friends?
i have a few i've known for years.
The big key here, in my opinion,... is that you made the wise choice of
WHAT that has done in this case.. is give you
FREEDOM OF CHOICE, as to who will remain your close friends, or not.
FREEDOM OF CHOICE, for many, are those who were Baptized and then were DISFELLOWSHIPPED, whereupon..most don't have this FREEDOM OF CHOICE that you now have.
:LIFE IS ABOUT CHOICES... and you can exercise your rights now.. to make them.
Special K
hello you lot....god it's been a while!
well, like my topic says, i really am a newcomer so i don't really know what this scene's about.
i hope i don't get ostracised again, like the last time i spoke my mind!
Welcome to the forum, hope to see more posts from you.. and will watch for them.
Special K
there are experiences that are difficult to put into words.
sometimes a circumstance is so out of the ordinary, it becomes.
difficult to articulate to others, to give them an accurate mental image and set of feelings corresponding with a dramatic past.
thanks for sharing what it was like on the inside of the inside of this organization.
Sounds like a type of boot camp
I dated a bethelite for a few years.. I'm so glad now that it never worked out between us, .. He wanted me to move to Bethel.. and I couldn't see a life there. GUESS I WAS RIGHT!!
I agree with you. If that was how it was going to be in their new system of things.. I like you, certainly wouldn't want to live in it. Unloving, unkind, unjust...authoritarian leadership.
I'm sorry you had to go through that terrible ordeal with them
Grieve the loss of your time there and slowly move forward.. and get as far away from them as you can. They don't deserve your thoughts anymore. When you've had enough.. let them go..and move on into your life seeking happiness and joy that you finally know who and what they are.
Special K
some watchtower worldwide work funds go to defend child molestors:
on the laurie roth radio talk show bill bowens notes i was in the courtroom of may of this year.
in which i saw two watchtower representativesone watchtower attorney and one service department person sitting on the side of the courtroom, where a man who was convicted of raping his two daughters, got 56 years, and they were sitting there defending his religious right to not divulge information.
Hey studying,
Good post. I never really thought about that any money.. even a penny donation for those magazine.. helps to defend a child molester by the WTBTS.
Makes me "quiver" at that thought. YUCK,
Another reason not to give any money to them.
Hey rush,
It's ironic that the ones we love so much.. can also hurt us the most.
I salute your courage on bringing up this "elephants standing in the Livingroom issue, and everyone pretends it's not there" with your mother.
You have just pointed out, to your mother,.. that you indeed do see the Elephant standing in the Living room.. and this is how it looks from your point of view.
Family... comes from a word similar to "Familiar".. are families are or were.. our familiar place to be..and by now telling them the truth of YOU..they choose to push you away.. so to speak.
I think probably, that you may have entered a time of grieving.. Grieving the familiar type of love, that you had recieved in your family while the Elephant was standing there.
Give yourself permission to grieve your loss,.. and also be happy, that this will lead you to be stronger in your resolve to be yourself.
Continue to visit with your family, if allowed, and continue to show your love to them because you don't have the wool still over your eyes. You can give them unconditional love... something that they "because of this religion, cannot give back."
I feel for you, many of us are in the same position as you...
Keep in mind , that you are not alone in how you feel this day.
Special K
personally no, and as such i was never disappointed that the system didn't end.
embarrassed, yes.
the org.
I knew families in my Kingdom hall that had sold their homes and adjusted their lives, for the 1975 thing... It was interesting how 1975 came and 1975 went. One particular family seemed to get hooked on the "bottle" after that.
Special K